DecisionES is a project funded by the Marie Skodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) action under the European Union H2020. The consortium was built to include highly qualified research institutions in ten countries (i.e. Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil, Canada and USA) that share complementary interests in key scientific disciplines for an ecosystem services supply chain.

The DecisionES network general objective is to enhance forest management planning and policy analysis by evolving an integrated and multifunctional ecosystem services supply approach thus effectively contributing to delivery of services under climate change. Further, an innovative dissemination and communication approach will be used to transfer of technology and knowledge to enhance forest management planning and policy analysis. DecisionES plans to realize its strategic vision and general objective through the integration of complementary state-of-the-art multidisciplinary expertise available in its beneficiary and partner institutions. Specific objectives of DecisionES are the generation of knowledge 1) to project forested landscapes and the provision of ecosystem services under different management regimes and scenarios of global change (WP2), 2) to integrate ecosystems management planning and policy processes to effectively address concerns with the sustainability of the provision of ecosystem services (WP3), 3) to develop computer-based tools to encapsulate all the models and methods for ecosystem management planning generated by the project (WP3) and 4) to develop a communication and dissemination platform to facilitate the utilization of new decision support tools by stakeholders in each country/geographical regions (WP4). These objectives will be achieved by integrating knowledge and tools developed under the work organized in the different work packages. DecisionES will contribute to a consistent worldwide quality reference for addressing the delivery of ecosystem services, with products being made available to public administrators, forest owners, and industry for enhanced integration of adaptive strategies in forest management planning and policy analysis in the context of global change.