Next event:

Workshop: Occupancy modelling for forest sciences. To be held in Solsona, 28th to 30th October 2024.
Past events:
SSAFR2024 and Annual DecisionES meeting: During 13th to 17th May 2024 was held the 20t symposium on system Analysis in Forest Resources SSAFR2024.

Reserarch seminar: and Annual DecisionES meeting: During 15th May 2023 was held the research seminar "The state-of-the-art of forest management models, methods and decision support systems – the DecisionES perspective.".
SSAFR2022 and Annual DecisionES meeting: The 19th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources ( SSAFR 2022), July 24 to 27, 2022; Estes Park, Colorado, USA