1feb-16Kick-off meetingFrom timber supply to ecosystem sustainability: the Portuguese experience of addressing the evolving forest management planning paradigm
2feb-16Kick-off meetingMultiple criteria approaches to forest management – recent advances and open problems
3sep-16SeminarQuantitative “risk smart” indicators to support management decisions of Portuguese forests on mitigating fire hazard
4nov-16Conference: INFORMSStochastic Forestry Planning Problem Using Progressive Hedging
5jul-178th International Conference on Wind and Trees (IUFRO),What makes a forest stand more vulnerable to snow and wind damage?
6ago-17SSAFR2017 conferenceA Pareto frontier decomposition approach to address multiple criteria forest ecosystem management
7ago-17Conference esa PortlandForest Stand Variables affecting break and uproot of trees after the occurrence of wind and snow damage
8ago-17Conference esa PortlandIntegrating the risk of natural disturbances into forest management using NFI data in Norway
9ago-17SSAFR2017 conferenceSuFoRun - Models and decision SUpport tools for integrated FOrest policy development under global change and associated Risk and UNcertainty
10ago-17SSAFR2017 conferenceModeling Natural Regeneration in Pennsylvania Forests
11ago-17SSAFR2017 conferenceA MIP Approach for Multi-Action Planning for Threat Management
12sep-17Seminar. CATIEGreen transformations and its pathways to sustainability: a framework for measuring the land use sector of Costa Rica
13nov-17Seminar. CATIEBest practices for selecting indicators to measure a green transformation in the land use sector of Costa  Rica
14may-18Seminar. CATIEModelización ecológica y su uso para cuantificar servicios de ecosistema
15jun-18Seminar. USDAInnovating forest ecosystem management with advanced multi-criteria decisionmaking methods
16jun-18Conference: Communicating risks into Decision Support SystemsA MIP Approach for Multi-Action Planning for Threat Management
17jun-18Conference: Communicating risks into Decision Support SystemsUncertainty associated for selecting impacts indicators to measure a green transformation in the land use sector of Costa Rica
18jul-18Program Seminar at the University of La Frontera - Temuco (Chile)Técnicas modernas para la planificación de paisajes forestales ante escenarios de fuego: Experiencias de España, Finlandia y Canadá
19jul-18Seminar: University of La Frontera - Temucho (Chile)Modelling wood biomass production for energy
20ago-18SSAFR2019 conferenceA three-tiered technique to prioritise fuel treatments and analyse trade-offs under multi-objectives
21mar-19SSAFR2019 conferenceExploring alternative landscape-level forest management models
22mar-19SSAFR2019 conferenceExperiences from an international staff exchange program
23mar-19SSAFR2019 conferenceDevelopment of a MIP for the improvement on e ciency in management plans of threatened species through the use of sensitivity curves
24mar-19SSAFR2019 conferenceA participatory forest management planning approach supported by multicriteria decision methods
25mar-19SSAFR2019 conferenceImproviing silvicultural practices for mediterranean forests through fire behaviour modelling using lidar-derived canopy fuel characteristics
26mar-19SSAFR2019 conferenceA Multicriteria Stochastic Optimization Framework for Sustainable Forest Decision Making under Uncertainty
27jun-19Semintar CATIEAnálisis de compensación de los servicios ecosistémicos en relación con el uso de la tierra para el desarrollo ganadero sostenible en el territorio de La via Lactea.
28jul-19Seminar USDAHow to translate knowledge on ecological processes and interactions into operational tools and innovative management practices?
29jul-19Seminar USDAA Spatio-temporal model for burn severity data
30sep-19Seminar at thePUC (Chile)Methods and tools to support forest management planning in Portugal
31sep-19Final Conference SuFoRun: Ubatuba (Brasil)Fire-size dependent factors to describe occurrence in Mediterranean Forests
32sep-19Final Conference SuFoRun: Ubatuba (Brasil)SuFoRun - Models and decision SUpport tools for integrated FOrest policy development under global change and associated Risk and UNcertainty
34sep-19Final Conference SuFoRun: Ubatuba (Brasil)MODIFRE Promoting fire risk reduction in harvest-scheduling problems
35sep-19Final Conference SuFoRun: Ubatuba (Brasil)Wind and snow damage in Norway
36oct-19Seminar CATIEAproximación a la evaluación de la degradación de los bosques de manglar en Tabasco, México y su potencial para la conservación y restauración
37oct-19Seminar CATIEHow to generatespatial scenarios for landcover / land use considering their suitability to favor the provision of regulatory ecosystem services?
38oct-19Seminar CATIEEstimación de la Huella Hídrica en la Finca Comercial de CATIE