Each participant institution has an individual manager/coordinator who is the responsible of the good progress of the DecisionES program in each participant institution. CTFC is the main coordinator and will be in charge of the correct development of the whole program. The coordinators in each institution are:
Partner name | Partner acronym | Country | Contact person | |
1 | Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya* | CTFC* | Spain | Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo, j.garcia(at)ctfc.es |
2 | Instituto Superior de Agronomia | ISA | Portugal | José Borges, Joseborges(at)isa.utl.pt |
3 | Technical University of Madrid | UPM | Spain | Luís Díaz Balteiro, Luis.diaz.balteiro(at)upm.es |
4 | University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Sciences and Forestry | UEF | Finland | Blas Mola, Blas.Mola(at)uef.fi |
5 | Albert-Ludwigsuniversitaet Freiburg | ALU-FR | Germany | Rasoul Yousefpour, rasoul.yousefpour(at)ife.uni-freiburg.de |
6 | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | SLU | Sweden | Lars Ostlund, Lars.Ostlund(at)slu.se |
7 | Universidade de Evora | UEvora | Portugal | Manuela Oliveira, mmo(at)uevora.pt |
8 | Complex Engineering Systems Institute, | ISCI | Chile | Andrés Weintraub, aweintra(at)dii.uchile.cl |
9 | Forest Service | USDA | USA | Keith Reynolds, kreynolds(at)fs.fed.us |
10 | Centro Agronómico Tropical de Invsetigación Y Enseñanza | CATIE | Costa Ria | Pablo Imbach, pablo.imbach (at)catie.ac.cr |
11 | Pennsylvania State University | PSU | USA | Marc McDill, Mem14(at)psu.edu Constantino Lagoa, lagoa(at)engr.psu.edu |
12 | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Departament of Forest Sciences | PUC | Chile | María Paulina Fernández, pfernan(at)uc.cl |
13 | Unviersity of Washington | UW | USA | Sandor TOTH, toths(at)uw.edu |
14 | University of São Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture | USP | Brazil | Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez, lcer(at)usp.br |
15 | Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Centre d’Étude de la Forêt (CEF) (Canada) | UQAM | Canada | Christian Messier, ch.messier@gmail.com |
16 | Université Laval (Québec, Canada) | ULaval | Canada | Mikael Rönnqvist mikael.ronnqvist(at)gmc.ulaval.ca |
17 | Forest Bioengineering Solutions | FBS | Spain | Ester Blanco, ester.blanco(at)fbs.cat |
*Project Coordinator